
Welcome to DIY Darling! I’m passionate about home decor, DIY projects and creating a life you love. Oh and I love to read. A lot. You’ll find it all here - let's take this journey together!

DIY Ombré Dyed Napkins

DIY Ombré Dyed Napkins

Learn to make your own DIY Ombré napkins in less than thirty minutes. Take plain white napkins and turn them into custom, colorful accents to create a gorgeous table for your next dinner party.

As the holiday season approached, I was feeling inspired to plan out a beautiful table for our first ever hosted Thanksgiving dinner. I saw so many great inspiration photos on Pinterest and Instagram, one of which were these dip-dyed ombré curtains. I thought, “hey, what if I did that except with napkins?” Scroll on for a full video to see how to do it yourself, and my thoughts on the final product.

So… pretty easy, right? If you’re more of a learn-by-reading kind of person, here are the typed out instructions:

  1. Find napkins or fabric that you’d like to use. These ones are from World Market - I like the fringe on the ends, and they were only $2 each. Pre-wash (I completely forgot this step, but mine still turned out, so do with it what you will…)

  2. Fold napkins and secure with a rubber band at the top (this is just to have something to hook onto your bucket). PUT ON GLOVES!!

  3. Combine dye, 1 cup of salt, and a smidgen of dish soap with VERY hot water, just enough to cover the bottom of the napkins. Submerge napkins and use paperclips to secure to pot. By the way - you can use either an old stainless steel pot like me, or any bucket you don’t mind getting dye on.

  4. Wait about 4 minutes, then add more water, making sure to use HOT water. Continue this process until you’ve reached the rubber band.

  5. Transfer pot to sink area. Take out napkins one at a time to rinse in COLD water until the water runs clear. As I took out the napkins, I realized I didn’t like the stark ivory at the tops, so I just dunked it back in the dye for about 10 seconds.

  6. Throw all napkins in the laundry with regular laundry detergent. Lay flat to dry. Make sure to run a rinse cycle afterwards, otherwise your next load will turn the color of your dye.

  7. Iron napkins and style your table. Wow your guests!

wine colored ombrè napkins
A custom dyed ombrè napkin sitting on top of a wood slice charger and patterned plate

My final thoughts? I think they turned out really pretty; however, I had hoped for them to be a bit more wine colored. These came out more on the pink side. Not exactly the fall, Thanksgiving-vibe I was initially going for. I think when styled with the rest of the table set-up, you still get the idea, but perhaps an orange or yellow dye would have leaned more into the fall direction. I will certainly use them, but I suppose think about the lightest iteration of your intended color, and be okay if your napkins turn out like that!

Total cost = $15.73

I would absolutely do this DIY again, and now that I’ve experimented with dye, who knows what else is on the horizon!! Happy Thanksgiving y’all!

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