

My name is Brenna Darling.


When I embarked on my twenties, I noticed there was a serious gap between recent college grads, and adults who seemed, well...like adults. Who taught them all the grown-up things, like how to find an apartment, then how to decorate said apartment on a budget? How to throw fun parties for your friends when they go through milestones, like getting a huge promotions, engagement and having babies? Learn how to cook, how to find good wine at the grocery store and host themed game nights? What do you do when your taste level is waaaay up here, but your bank account is waaaaay down there? 

To me, DIY goes beyond the traditional interpretation. It means envisioning your life a certain way, and taking the steps to do it yourself to get there. You can achieve anything you put your mind to. 

Now, halfway through my twenties, I'm starting to get the hang of things! And I'm realizing, hey - this whole adulting thing can be fun! And now, I'm inviting you to join in this journey with me. If you have the drive and the vision, you can freaking do anything yourself. I hope this blog inspires you to design your own dream life. Feel free to leave a comment, subscribe, or follow me on social media.

Welcome! I'm so glad you're here.